The Security Two-Step

Oct. 22, 2015, 3:02 p.m.
No, it's not a dance step. Two-factor authentication provides a second layer of security to any type of login, requiring extra information or a physical device to log in, in addition to your password.


Google's spam guru, Matt Cutts, put it best: two-factor authentication is a simple feature that asks for more than just your password. It requires both "something you know" (like a password) and "something you have" (like your phone). After you enter your password, you'll get a second code sent to your phone, and only after you enter it will you get into your account. Think of it as entering a PIN number, then getting a retina scan, like you see in every spy movie ever made. It's a lot more secure than a password (which is very hackable), and keeps unwanted snoopers out of your online accounts.

Here is a list of websites and whether or not they support 2FA.

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